
October 16, 2017


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Have you ever wonder how many secret  are hidden inside your computer, you may know how to use your very well as a part  of your everyday life and work ,but still there things which computer manufacture don’t tell us for some reason ,some of those are keyboard key combination for quick action which my come in handy .

#1. WIN key + A
This will open the action center which will give you quick access to your computer settings.

#2. WIN key + B
 This select the first icon in the notification area and you can switch between the icons using the arrow keys.

#3. WIN key + control + B
The combination will switch to a program indicating a new message in a notification area.

#4. WIN KEY + C
Press this and CORTANA will open right away but if your using  the support language and legion

#5. WIN key + D
Nice shortcut if you want to minimize all open window and go to desktop

#6. WIN key + E
Provide quick access to a file explorer

#7. WIN key + F
Open the feedback hub

#8. WIN key + Ctrl + F
This will open the find computers window

#9. WIN key + G
If you’re a gamer then this is perfect for you ,it quickly open game bar

#10. WIN key + L
Lock or change user in your device easy and quickly

#11. WIN key + M
 To minimize all windows at the same time

#12.WIN key + Shift + M
To restore all the minimized windows

#13. WIN key + O
Tied of your windows 10 tablet  flip every time you turn it? Worry out just press WIN KEY + O to lock the device orientation and disable the gyroscope function

#14. WIN key + P
Want to switch between monitors or  projector, then WIN key + P will do the job

#15. WIN key + W
Do you want to work on notes and screen shot! Just press this combination and window ink space will open

#16. WIN key + U
This will open utility manager  

#17. WIN key + H
It will Share content on the app you open

#18. WIN key + " , " (comma)
Take a temporary peek of desktop

#19. ALT + TAB
Switch between open tabs

To switch keyboard layout

Quickly open task manager 

#22. CTLR + F4
Close the active window 

That's it for now click > here < to see how to activate windows 10 "GODMODE
If you want to download the official document file for all windows 10 keyboard shortcut click down link below 

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